Residential Waste Management in St Charles, MO
Looking for trash services for your home or business in the St. Charles, MO area – look no further than Aspen Waste Systems. Aspen Waste Systems, with locations in Earth City, Missouri, and Fairmont City, IL, services thousands of customers in the St. Charles, MO area and has been doing so since 1997.
Aspen prides itself on clean collection, spotless trucks, and customer service. We provide trash collection, recycling services, yard waste, and bulky pickup options depending on your area. Call Aspen today to sign up for service: 314-890-9820
St. Charles Area Trash Services
If you live in the City of St. Charles, your trash collection company is city-contracted. However, those living in unincorporated areas of St. Charles or cities surrounding St. Charles, like unincorporated St. Peters and Weldon Springs, may have the option to choose their trash hauler. For questions or to understand if you may be eligible for Aspen trash services, contact Aspen by calling 314-890-9820 or completing the form on this page. Aspen provides trash, recycling, yard waste, and bulky waste collection services to your home, depending on the area in which you live.
Trash Containers Sizes
Aspen offers St Charles residents small, medium, and large-sized trash cans for trash collection.


…it’s been a breath of fresh air to be able to call your waste service and have a human pickup on the first ring
St Charles Yard Waste Services
Aspen Waste Systems also provides yard waste disposal services to St. Charles area residents. Aspen offers weekly yard waste pick up options. Contact Aspen Waste today to set up service.
Recycling in St Charles Area
Aspen Waste Services may week recycling services options, depending on the area in which you live. Give us a call today or complete the form on this page to inquire further. Call us at 314-890-9820
Do I have to have trash service in the St. Charles Area?
St. Charles County code requires that all residences generating waste have trash containers for the storage of waste. The containers must be leakproof, waterproof, and fly tight, and must be properly covered at all times. Any solid waste containers are to be collected not less often than one time per week
What time does trash service in St Charles area start?
Trash containers can be placed for collection no earlier than dusk the day prior to pick up day. Look to your individual trash hauler for more information on specific pick up times and the latest time to place container for pickup.
Where to Recycle in the St. Charles Area?
If you are looking for recycling provider drop-off options, the following facilities accept recyclable materials drop-offs:
Recycle Works (recycling appliances, batteries, cardboard, microwave ovens and more)
60 Triad South Driver
St. Charles, MO 63304
Recycle Works Central (recycling appliances, batteries, cardboard, microwave ovens and more)
2110 East Pitman Avenue,
St. Charles, MO 63385
St. Peters City Recycle (recycling paper, containers, liquids, car batteries and used cell phones)
131 Ecology Drive,
St Peters, MO 63376
Didion Orf Recycling (Recycles scrap and metal)
206 Didion Drive
St. Peters, MO 63376
What are the Trash Pick Up Holidays in St Charles area?
Aspen holidays are:
- New Years Day
- Memorial Day
- Fourth of July
- Labor Day
- Thanksgiving
Collection days will be delayed one day if it falls on a holiday.
What common household items cannot be recycled?
Recycle Works does not accept:
- Alkaline batteries
- Asbestos material (PDF)
- Business / Government waste
- Carpet and similar materials
- Explosives / Ammunition
- Gas-powered / Ammonia-based refrigerators
- Latex- or water-based paints
- Mattresses and box springs
- Medical waste
- Plastic bags and/or plastic film
- Polystyrene (Styrofoam)
- Pressurized gas tanks (see above about sealed tanks)
- R-600a freon
- Radioactive waste
- Smoke detectors
- Tires
- VHS tapes
- Wet or dirty electronics